Counseling and Hypnotherapy Program For:
Weight Loss
Binge Eating (BED)
Emotional Overeating
Yo-Yo Dieting

Hypnosis – a permanent approach to weight loss and overeating and binge eating – all the tools you need to change your habits and behavior.

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About Me

Dr. Mary Wansley, PhD

Counselor, Licensed Hypnotherapist, Certified Nutritionist, Executive Coach and Program Coordinator.

With the Mind Body Reset Method you will learn to:


Have you gone on diets and lost weight, only to revert to old eating habits and regain the weight… and then some?


Have you ever felt like you start eating and you can’t seem to stop?


Do you ever obsess about a food item and the obsession becomes so compelling you have to eat that particular item to relieve the obsession?


Do you find yourself turning to food to deal with uncomfortable feelings and emotions or to block out painful memories and problems in your life?


Have you turned to processes like purging, exercising excessively or laxatives to get rid of unwanted food and weight?


Do you turn to food, overeat or binge, then beat yourself up and feel guilty?


Do you consistently make poor food choices, even though you know what to eat?


Do you feel you can no longer find the discipline or motivation to diet?

If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, you’re in the right place. Read on...



How many times have you gone on a diet only to return to your old eating habits and regain the weight and then some?

This cycle is often repeated over and over and the root cause remains unaddressed. Eating and food and the desire to lose weight consume our thoughts and lives and rob us of happiness, opportunities, relationships, self worth, life satisfaction, peace and love.

The truth is this struggle has caused us to feel out of control, followed by the desire to regain control, then often times periods of control, only to become out of control again. This leads to feelings of guilt, shame, regret/remorse, hopelessness, despair, desperation and frustration.

How do we overcome this behavior and solve the eating and weight problem once and for all?

The solution is a step-by-step process designed to deal with all aspects of this problem; a process that addresses our eating, our feelings and emotions, changes our thought patterns, replaces old sabotaging beliefs, and deals with the underlying issues. This is a systematic process that changes your mindset on a conscious and subconscious level; taking us off the merry-go-round that has hurt our self-esteem and controlled our lives. Let the Mind Body Reset Method help you achieve your goals!

Copyright © 2025 Dr. Mary Wansley, PhD. All rights reserved.